Monday, March 13, 2006

Answers to "Test Your St. Patrick's Day Knowledge"!

Ready for the answers? Let's see how you did!

1) Where was St. Patrick born?
If you answered "Britain", you are correct!

2) Why is St. Patrick's Day celebrated on March 17th?
Because it was "The day that St. Patrick died."

3) Which US city was the first to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
If you guessed Flushing, you were wrong, it's "Boston"!

4) While he was enslaved in Ireland, St. Patrick:
No, he didn't teach himself to yodel, he "Herded and tended to sheep and swine".

5) Which "James Bond" actor was born in Ireland?
Sorry, it wasn't our Vice President, Damon Huffman; it was "Pierce Brosnan"!

6) According to legend, what should you never do if you catch a leprechaun?
"Take your eyes off him!"

Hope you did great! Thanks for checking our blog out!
Feel free to leave a comment! Come back soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got all of them right but #5!