Friday, April 27, 2012

Parachute Play!

Today we played with the parachute play! Everyone had a blast trying to get all the balls to stay on the parachute, it was a good laugh!
Trying with one ball!

Now three!

Marion having a blast!

Ready, set....


Thursday, April 19, 2012


Today we went bowling. Here is Donnie getting ready to get a strike!!

Friday, April 06, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt!

We had an Easter hunt today! Everyone had to hide in the TV room until we hid all the eggs - then they came out on a mission! There were eggs hidden all over; on pictures, in plants, on the clock, in art supplies... they contained candy and money!! Each person got 7 eggs then if they were lucky and stumbled upon a "bonus egg", they got that one too! Everyone had a great time! Have a happy Easter!

Randy looking for his eggs.

Ruth opening her eggs.


My favorite hiding spot, found by David!

David laughing at everyone...

Sharon with her stash.

Lucky Joan, she found the $5 egg!!

Donnie with his goodies!

Monday, April 02, 2012