Our annual Halloween party was Friday and it was the biggest yet! The activity room was transformed into a zombie world with a "Costume Idol" stage mixed into it! The food was outstanding, thanks to all that brought a dish! We had games to participate in all over the room like the Creepy Feely game, Candy Corn Guessing game, mini pumpkin decorating and even a Scarecrow decorating game, caregivers VS management! Caregivers were the winners by applause! Everyone looked great in their costumes, it was hard to tell who was who! We had the contest but everyone was a winner and received a candy bag to take home! It was a great time, looking forward to the Christmas party coming up before we know it!

Costume Idol stage

The judges

Some of the pumpkins the residents did for the contest!

More pumpkins, so unique!

Scarecrow contest!

The winner is to the left!

A scary story told by a scary figure.

Decorating mini pumpkins.

The hosts - Mustard and Ketchup!

Ruth the angel

Randy AKA U of M doctor, Dr. Randy

Best – Gangster but they call him The Mask
Funniest – Peas in a pod
Scariest – Glow in the dark skeleton
Original – Statue of Liberty
1st – Mad Hatter
2nd – Lady Bug
3rd – Iron Man
1st – Marion – Venus
2nd – David Mantei – Hippy
3rd – Sharon – Clown
1st – Angry Bird - David
2nd – U of M smashing MSU - Randy
3rd – Rosy the Hairdresser Pumpkin – Marion
Costume Idol stage
The judges
Some of the pumpkins the residents did for the contest!
More pumpkins, so unique!
Scarecrow contest!
The winner is to the left!
A scary story told by a scary figure.
Decorating mini pumpkins.
The hosts - Mustard and Ketchup!
Ruth the angel
Randy AKA U of M doctor, Dr. Randy
One of the many neat desserts, Jello hands and brain!