Wednesday, June 16, 2010


There are many activities we do on the fly that might not be on the monthly activity calendar... for example, today we made a scarecrow for Carol's garden! We named him Billy Bob! The animals will be sure to stay away from this guy!
Sharon showing how big Billy Bob is!
Billy Bob in the garden.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Rummage/Bake Sale 2010!

The annual Rummage/Bake Sale was a success! Luckily the rain held off both days so we were able to hold it outside! We had tables full of items and had baked goods ranging from cookies to rice krispies treats and even pies this year! Pies were a hot item so we'll be sure to have them next year. The grand total made was $260.31! The proceeds from the sale will go towards an outing of choice for the clients. A big thank you to all that helped out with the sale!!!
Some of the tables set up.

Marion and Donnie waiting for consumers under the "cabana".
Diana checking out the clothes.
Enjoying the weather.
Bake Sale!

Sharon resting and showing off the foot stool for sale!
Joan found a funny cow that moo'ed!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Getting ready for the Rummage/Bake Sale!

We worked on the Rummage/Bake Sale signs and they turned out great! Don't forget, the sale is coming up this Thursday and Friday, June 3rd and 4th from 9-4 - Rain or Shine!!

June Health & Safety

Click on the flyer for a larger version.