Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring is here!

Spring is here! Check out the craft we did today for the doors.
Our gardens are looking good! Tulips are out!

Say hello to our new frogs by the pond!
Freshly painted deck & fountain! And new windsocks courtesy of Ruth!

Randy's out soaking up the rays.
The raspberries are still hiding, but they will be out soon!
Then it will be time for raspberry desserts!

Wood chips all around, waiting for the rest of the flowers to poke out!

Donnie even starting fishing today---- with this new game we got! He's really good!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Homemade air fresheners!

Today in Arts & Crafts we made homemade cinnamon applesauce air fresheners. The residents rooms are going to smell apple cinnamony fresh! Look for the recipe in the upcoming Country View Newsletter!
Donnie loves rolling dough! Not sure if he liked my pink roller though :) !

David cutting out a cow while Julian helps out.


The activity room was smelling great with all these air fresheners!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy 50th!

Yesterday was Sue the Medical Manager's 50th birthday! We celebrated it today by surprising her with a decorated office, with lots of black of course!

Happy 50th Sue!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter egg hunt!

We had an Easter egg hunt in the activity room on Easter. The residents went by groups and searched for their eggs. They were pleased to find candy in some eggs and money in other eggs! We even had bonus eggs for an extra treat. Everyone had a great time - We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Group #1 ready to go!

Marion found a money egg!