Thursday, April 24, 2008

First BBQ of the season!

The grill is officially ready! The first BBQ of the season was hot dogs and we ate them out on the deck. What a beautiful day!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fire Mountain!

Everyone went out to eat for dinner Monday to their favorite buffet, Fire Mountain! The food was great, everyone came home with full bellies!

Monday, April 14, 2008

April Health and Safety

Click on flyer for a larger version.

Make your own Pizza!

We had a "Make Your Own Pizza Lunch" last week, it was so good! We had all the fixings; onions, olives, cheese, ham, pepperoni, pinapple, etc! Everyone got to choose what they liked best on theirs!

Mmmm, mmmm good!

Let's stick them in the oven!

Ready to eat!