Country View’s Annual Halloween party was held on October 26, 2007. We tried a new idea this year; the staff and clients decided to have a “theme party” where we could all dress alike. The theme was “The Smurfs”. The activity room was decorated to look like a Smurf village, with Smurfs anxiously awaiting the arrival of Halloween. There was plenty of witches, bats and ghosts all around. We spent the evening with numerous other characters as well as vampires, pirates, super heroes and even an animal or two. The entertainment was provided by Virgil Man of Mystery. His magic was enjoyed by both children and adults. Another new idea this year was the food. We had a taco bar with all the trimmings as well as side dishes and desserts galore. The winners of the pumpkin contest were: 1st place – Nancy, 2nd place Randy and 3rd place Diana. The winners of the costume contest were; Children; 1st place – Brendan Peterson (Dracula), 2nd place – Jacob Shaw (elephant), 3rd place - Dominique Webster (pirate). The Adult winners were; 1st place Amy Mathews (Sandy from Grease), 2nd place – Damon Huffman (Mama Smurf) and 3rd place – Shari Innes (Grouchy Smurf). CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners! Trina, Pam and I would like to thank all the staff, clients, families and friends who attended this year and helped to make our party a success. We hope to see each of you again next year!
Written by Susan Shaw
Here's the Smurfs!
The Winners!

Pumpkin Contest
The spooky sunroom